June 3, 2012

Passing on Peace

Today I talked the boys into a nature hike at one of my favorite places here in Tulsa, Turkey Mountain. I wasn't sure how far they would go but we actually made it to the top. We had such a great time stopping to inspect bugs and squirrels and birds. Roland took my camera right away and started shooting the little things that he noticed, faces in the rocks, butterflies, trees that look like lizards and rocks that look like ocean waves. I can see so much of myself in both of them. Roland is definitely more of a hermit, but once you get him out he's great. He settles in and absorbs the energy around him and loves to go slow and notice the little details. Hayden is typically fearful of new places and ideas but once he gets into the groove, he can settle and enjoy himself as well.  They are both changing and growing so much these days, turning into little men. Time seems to move so quickly and I savor these times I get with them, one on one just enjoying each others company. I think the best part of today was teaching Roland about the energy of nature. I taught him how to close his eyes and place his hands on a tree or stone and simply let the energy of the earth pass through them into his own body. I watched as he moved from tree to tree placing his hands on them. He would close his eyes and I could see him literally lighten and relax. A sense of peace would cross his face that I can't describe. I wish now that I had taken a photo, but actually I'm glad I didn't. Instead I got to be fully present as he learned this lesson that I believe is so important and that I use as often as possible. I know I will look back on this day with fond memories and hope the boys do as well.

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